Del Papa calls on Guinn to invoke emergency powers to save LV trauma center

Las Vegas Review-Journal Sunday front page lead story —
Del Papa ready to take on Guinn
Review-Journal columnist — Nevada Deserves Experience
LV Sun columnist — Del Papa's fight for the little guy
Del Papa catches government corruption flat-footed
Longtime LV editor reviews Gov. Guinn's record
Attorney Gen. Del Papa files for governor

Papa and last-minute surprises
Papa files, hits governor for again deregulating utilities

304 Lance Ave.
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
(702) 399-2114

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SIGN OF THE TIMES This sign was put up by a Washoe County homeowner on U.S. 395 between Reno and Carson City during a campaign stop by Del Papa. Grass-roots initiatives like these will be needed to win in 2002.

Attorney Gen. Del Papa files for governor

"I have decided to run because I recognize that more than anything, Nevada needs change, and needs an effective leader to bring it about," the incumbent State Attorney General and former Nevada Secretary of Sttate said.

"Our schools are in dire need of support. Our environment is harmed by light pollution and dumping. The big gaming industry relishes in loopholes. Basic safetystandards and worker's rights are ignored. The Silver State needs a strong, experienced leader who can pass effective, and enforceable legislation. In my tweleve years as Attorney General for our state, and four years as Nevada Secretary of State, I believe I have the experience neccessary for this monumental task.

"Once I'm elected governor, I will continue fighting statewide corruption and stagnation, and work with our legislature in passing laws that are effective, effecient, and enforceable.

"I offer Nevadans a true choice for a change."


The Case for Closing Loopholes

"Seen from behind, the palatial replicas and resorts are a kind of Potemkin village, screening from view an inner squalor of local politics where wealth and power are in the hands of only a few, a parody of rich and poor.

"Compared to what it takes, the ruling industry gives back crumbs. Its rule is purchased, not won, though no less complete for the usurpation. It evades all but a minor fraction of taxes, recompense that might create public assets in Nevada to match the mountains of private profit.

" Instead, as from the beginning, it plunders the city, state and nation, poisoning air, disfiguring land, stealing water, ransoming the future for ravenous gain seized by fix and favor. It masks only thinly its habitual racism and sexism. If its prosperity is legend, many of its jobs are menial, and its coveted payroll is mocked by enormous inequity, the gap between millions taken by owners and the few thousand in shiftwork subsistence paid most workers."

From "The Money and the Power — The Making of Las Vegas and Its Hold on America, 1947-2000" by Sally Denton & Roger Morris, published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY, 2001, page 10. Also a two-hour television special on the Arts & Entertainment Network, 2002. Check local listings. Videocasettes available from A&E.


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Del Papa's Biography

 Nevada has been the fastest-growing state in the nation over the past decade. The gambling industry has facilitated tax increases on every other aspect of society, while keeping the gross gaming tax frozen at 1987 levels. Casinos get back fully a third of that levy in the form of corporate welfare subsidies.

A 1999 study by Nevada's current Republican administration shows that creation of low-wage gaming jobs creates much more long term demand for government services than other types of employment.

As a result of organized gambling's refusal to pay its fair share, Nevada state and local governments face near-term shortfalls in the billions of dollars.

Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa has fought for Nevada and it's laws for the past sixteen years, and won't stop now. Del Papa pledges to close tax loopholes and clamp down on corruption and lobbying by the big gaming industry.

Please join the fight for a fair deal for Nevada -- right here, right now.

The Fastest-Growing State Is Going Broke Very Fast

UNR Professor : Nevada a one-party state — the Gaming Party opposes Del Papa's regulations

Del Papa calls on Guinn to invoke emergency powers to save LV trauma center

TRAILBLAZER — Frankie Sue Del Papa is making history as the first female nominee for governor for a major party. Her time as Attorney General has seen decisive blows against corruption and fraud, and she says this is only the beginning.



MAJOR ENDORSEMENT — House Speaker Patsy Mink endorses Frankie Sue Del Papa for Nevada Governor

2002 DEJA VU — Conservative Carson columnist re-endorses Del Papa's gaming regulation proposal

ATTORNEY GEN. PAPA VINDICATED Nevada Power was in collusion with Enron during 2000 -- Investigation ongoing

LAS VEGAS SUN PUBLISHER Greenspun criticizes gambling industry stinginess

University of Nevada-Reno study supports environmental regulation

GOP Sen. James backs Del Papa on growth and taxation issues

RUTHE DESKIN, Longtime Las Vegas Sun columnist, supports casino regulation

Assembly Education Chair endorses Del Papa's increased funding for education

Writer - Proposal Fair

Legislative analyst says more effective, enforceable legislation

Columnist Bill Hanlon -- Raise gaming, environmental standards, regulations

LVRJ Editors - Del Papa, a steadfast fighter for Nevada

RGJ Editors - Del Papa's fight against electoral fraud far from over

Columnist Steve Sebelius praises Del Papa's proposals and integrity

LVRJ poll -- Nevadans overwhelmingly demand more & enforceable legislation

LVRJ Editors - Del Papa has high ground

More endorsements.

More News


Gov. Guinn endorsed Quayle designation of Yucca Mountain

LV Sun editors nuke Guinn for Kennedy attack

Nevada Green Party to work with Del Papa -- Effective environmental agenda top priority

Gov. Guinn conciliatory on nuclear waste issue

FYI — Attorney Gen. Papa's long-held position on nuclear waste

Gov. Guinn's tax force gets details on state's built-in deficit

State facing $250 million budgetary shortfall

Las Vegas suicides skyrocket to record

Educators see suicide crisis among teens

Nevada gambling addiction much higher than thought; poll says highest in the nation

LV Sun Editorial -- Gambling addiction needs state attention

Columnist John L. Smith on Nevada's dirty little secret

School districts demand more money from state

Welfare rolls up 50%

Las Vegas homeless problem spreads

Nevada casino revenue rose in 2001

Las Vegas Mayor Goodman-- gambling industry doesn't pay its fair share of taxes

Casino property revaluations top $1 billion -- huge tax breaks will result

Del Papa investigates Nevada Power for conspiracy with Enron

[More news]

Taking the Initiative
The ongoing campaign to bring change to Nevada

Del Papa's Successes

State of Nevada

Nevada Democratic Party

Douglas County Party

Guinn Watch

Las Vegas Mercury

Del Papa


Las Vegas Sun

Las Vegas Review Journal

Reno Gazette-Journal

Nevada Appeal

Tahoe Tribune

Las Vegas City Life

Las Vegas Business Press



Nevada Electoral Fraud Hearing
Casino Seeks Tax Break for Art's Sake
Casinos Out of Politics News & Bulletins

Papa for Attorney General '98 Archive

Del Papa TV SpotsLV Sun Election '98LVRJ Election '98In the NewsAttorney Gen. Papa's PlatformLetters to Joe, '98Del Papa Files, Casinos SweatDel Papa Nukes Steve Wynn's Tax LoopholeLoyalty BetrayedSenior Labor Leader Exposes GuinnGuinn Reverses Only Pro-Worker PositionThe Empire Strikes BackDel Papa wins handilyNews & Bulletins


Andrew Barbano
P.O. Box 10034
Reno, NV 89510

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